Online application for kindergarten and nursery.
Operation of the nursery
The kindergarten operates from 7:45 am to 4:00 pm.
Parents can register their child in the Afternoon Club run by Pididomek z.s., which operates from 16:00 to 17:00.
The operation of the kindergarten may be interrupted in the months of July and August, in accordance with Section 3 of Decree No. 14/2005 Coll., on pre-school education. The rules of operation for the summer months will be communicated to parents by the end of April at the latest. Operation may be restricted, apart from the main holidays, at other times, e.g. during the Christmas holidays, etc. Information on Christmas operation in this case will be published by the school headmaster by 6 December at the latest.
Kindergarten enrolment
Enrolment takes place all year round on the basis of an application form (by e-mail, in person, by post).
The Kindergarten accepts children according to the available capacity. Priority is given to children in their last year of compulsory preschool and children from Pidididomek groups. The kindergarten can also accept two-year-old children in case of free capacity.
Arrival of children
Children can arrive at the kindergarten no later than 9:00. Later arrivals are possible only after individual agreement with the teaching staff. Parents must close the entrance door to the kindergarten behind them.
Leaving the kindergarten
The child can also leave at any time before 16:00; no later than 17:00 if the child attends the Afternoon Club. It is possible to authorize anyone to pick up the child from the Kindergarten, provided that this person is recorded in the registration sheet in the child's personal file (name, surname, ID number or date of birth). On arrival and departure, there must always be a demonstrable handover (eye, verbal, sound contact) of the child between the legal guardian (or other person) and the school employee.
Kindergarten procedure in case of manifestations of infectious disease in a child
If the signs of an infectious disease are already evident when the child arrives at the kindergarten, it is the responsibility of the kindergarten teacher not to admit the child on arrival in the morning, provided that the child's legal guardian is present.
If symptoms occur during the child's stay at the kindergarten, a mouth and nose guard shall be fitted immediately and the child shall be isolated. The child's legal guardians shall be contacted immediately and shall collect the child without delay (within one hour of being contacted at the latest).
If the child continues to have symptoms such as a runny nose and cough, which are a symptom of an allergic or chronic illness, the child's paediatrician shall confirm this. The legal representative shall submit this confirmation to the kindergarten.
Children with injuries (fractures) may be admitted to the kindergarten only with a doctor's recommendation.
Apologising to children
Legal guardians are required to excuse the absence of their child through the attendance system. If a parent fails to excuse a child in the attendance system by 10:00 a.m. the day before, the child will forfeit the next day's meal. A child's excuse is considered to be a sign-out in the attendance system.
Administration of medication
The administration of medication is subject to special rules in the nursery school. Medication may only be administered if the child cannot attend kindergarten without the medication. In this case, the parent will submit a request to administer medication to the child to the Head of the Nursery and bring a medical report from the parent clearly outlining the procedure for administering the medication, including the consequences that may arise from failure to administer or delayed administration.
Termination of attendance
According to Section 35 of the Education Act, the director of the kindergarten may, after giving prior written notice to the child's legal guardian, decide to terminate the child's preschool education if:
the child does not continuously attend pre-school education for more than two weeks without the excuse of the legal representative;
the legal representative repeatedly disrupts the operation of the kindergarten in a serious manner;
termination is recommended during the child's probationary period by a doctor or school counselling centre;
the legal guardian repeatedly fails to pay the kindergarten education fee or the school meal fee (§ 123) by the due date and fails to agree with the headmaster another date for payment.
The decision to terminate pre-school education cannot be taken in the case of a child for whom pre-school education is compulsory.
Payments in kindergarten
The basic rate of tuition fees is governed by the price list in force.
If a day of the week on which a child attends kindergarten falls on a day of rest or a day off work, the basic rate of tuition fees shall not change.
Meals are billed separately based on the registered and excused lunches in the attendance system for the month.
Meals include a morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and sufficient beverages (drinking).
If the caterer changes the price of the meals, the kindergarten has the right to adjust the amount of the meals; parents must be informed of the change at least one month in advance.
The fees for education, clubs and meals are paid by the legal representatives by cashless payment to the account of the Kindergarten Pidididomek Mladá Boleslav z.s.; the variable symbols and due dates are indicated on the invoice.
Cash donations are collected for the cultural fund and for the exercises in the Gymnasium. At the end of the year, contributions to the fund are accounted for and the balances are returned to parents in cash.
The mode of the day
The children meet in the morning in the kindergarten, according to the class curriculum, spontaneous and guided activities are included. Our kindergarten prefers spontaneous activity over directed activity.
Movement activities are included on a daily basis in the form of health-preventive exercises, being outdoors, exercises in the school premises and in the Sokolovna. The school may organise a swimming course.Recreational activities are included after lunch.
Afternoon activities may take place outdoors or in the school playground if the weather is good.
If there is a change of routine e.g. a trip, parents will be notified in advance on the school app and notice board. The school organises visits to the theatre and museums.
We do not use sweets as a normal reward in our nursery. Sweets may be used for birthday parties, children's holidays and festivals such as Christmas, St Nicholas etc. Hard candies, lollipops and chewing gum are not allowed in the kindergarten. Drinking regime is implemented regularly. Teaching staff remind the children about the drinking regime during the day.
Day at the Kindergarten
7:45 – 8:45 Arrival and greeting of children, morning games, clubs
8:45 – 9:00 Cleaning up toys
9:00 – 9:45 Warm-up, community circle, Montessori, guided activities, English, group and individual work
9:45 – 10:15 Hygiene and snack
10:15 – 12:15 Stay outdoors
12:15 – 12:45 Hygiene, lunch and picking up children after lunch
12:45 – 14:30 Rest with a story and quiet activities outside the bed
14:30 – 15:15 Hygiene and snack
15:15 – 16:00 Free play, clubs, English, picking up children
16:00 – 17:00 Afternoon club (organized by Pidididomek z.s.)
The arrangement of the day is adapted to the weather and the teachers' discretion.
Binding procedure for picking up children after kindergarten closing time
The legal guardian is obliged to arrange for the legitimate pick-up of the child from the kindergarten before the end of the operating hours. Teachers have a set schedule of working hours to supervise children and are required to supervise children after the end of the set operating hours if any child has not yet been lawfully collected from the nursery.If a parent is exceptionally late, they must inform the nursery school by telephone.
In this case, parents will be charged at the rate of 200 CZK for each hour started. Repeatedly picking up a child late is considered a serious violation of school operations.
If a member of staff does not receive information about an exceptionally late child, the school will contact the parents at the contact details provided by them. If parents cannot be reached or find that legitimate pick-up cannot be arranged, the situation will be handled by the City Police (156) who will arrange for the child to be turned over to Social Services. He/she shall also inform the school principal of the situation.