Online application for kindergarten and nursery.
Branch Mlada Boleslav in a nutshell:
Kindergarten - 1class: 18 children, 2 qualified teachers and 1 assistant
Children's group - 3 classes: 30 children, 6 caregivers
Kindergarten Pididomek Mladá Boleslav
The kindergarten is located in the very centre of Mladá Boleslav, thanks to which children can visit interesting cultural monuments, the Stepanek Park, the mini-zoo, museums or discover the "world around us" in an experiential way. The kindergarten itself has its own playground directly behind the kindergarten with an area of 400 m2, where we prepare many outdoor activities for children throughout the year. In the kindergarten we deepen what we consider to be central in today's world, creating an environment where children experience a happy and playful childhood.
Dětské skupiny jsou spolufinancovány Evropskou unií. Cílem projektu bylo vybudování nových dětských skupin v Úvalech a tím navýšit kapacitu služeb péče o děti od 1,5 roku do 3 let za účelem zapojení rodičů do pracovního procesu. Registrační čísla projektů CZ.03.01.02/00/24_061/0004382 a CZ.03.01.02/00/24_061/0004490

Children's group and nursery Pididomek
Mladá Boleslav
The Pididomek Mladá Boleslav children's group has a capacity of 30 children aged 1.5 - 3 years per 6 caregivers. The children's group is divided into "Fishy", "Turtle" and "Frog" classes.
The motto of education is "Respect and be respected".
Max. 6 children per caregiver in the children's group
Inspiring environment with Montessori tools

Kindergarten Pididomek
Mladá Boleslav
It is an accredited kindergarten, which was established with the aim of building on the childcare services of the Pidididomek Mladá Boleslav children's group and offering children education until the start of compulsory schooling according to the Framework Educational Programme of the Ministry of Education.
The maximum capacity of 18 children per two teachers and one bilingual assistant allows us to offer different forms of education - work in smaller groups and individual approach.


Afternoon Clubs
Czech language beginners/advanced
Speech therapy
Science experiments

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Pestrost a vyváženost je hlavním kritériem při přípravě zdravých svačin. Ovoce a zelenina tvoří součást každé svačiny. Svačinky z následujícího výčtu se mění každý týden. Aktuální týdenní jídelníček s alergeny najdete na nástěnce ve vstupní hale. Má-li Vaše dítě alergii nebo potravinovou nesnášenlivost, můžete donést vlastní svačinky. K pití nabízíme vodu a neslazený ovocný čaj.
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