Online application for kindergarten and nursery.
Kindergarten Prague in a nutshell:
Number of classes: 1
Capacity: 18 children
Age: 3 to 6 years
Number of teachers: 2 + 2 assistants
Kindergarten Pididomek Mladá Boleslav
It is an accredited kindergarten, which was established with the aim of building on the childcare services of the Pidididomek Mladá Boleslav children's group and offering children education until the start of compulsory schooling according to the framework educational programme of the Ministry of Education.
The maximum capacity of 18 children per two teachers and one bilingual assistant allows us to offer different forms of education - work in smaller groups and individual approach.
Children gain new knowledge through experience and play. We create a range of activities for the children with Montessori elements. We want the children to form a positive attitude towards nature from a very young age, so the children are involved in an environmental project. We offer the following clubs, which are thematically linked to the school curriculum and complement the educational offer.
At Pididomek we also offer English and Czech language clubs for children with different mother tongues, speech therapy and we also prepare preschoolers for starting school.
V Pididomku nabízíme též kroužky angličtiny a kroužek češtiny pro děti s odlišným mateřským jazykem, logopedii a také přiravujeme předškoláky na nástup do školy.
Tigers class

In the Tigers class we care for children of all nationalities from 3 to 6 years old. The basic principle of our care is an individual approach to each child, thanks to the smaller group size and the number of teachers per child.
We place great emphasis on experiential and play-based education to best prepare children for primary school.
Number of teachers: 2 + 1 school assistant
Number of children: 18
Age: 3 years to 6 years
phone: 735 252 559

Our team

Třída Krokodýlků
Při práci s dětmi je pro ni nejdůležitější hra, rozvoj dětské tvořivosti, fantazie, motivace a empatie

třída Lvíčat
Asistentka učitele
Hledáme do této třídy asistentku učitele s pedagogickým vzděláním nebo kurzem asistenta učitele.

Třída Krokodýlků
Největší odměna je pro ni spokojené usměvavé dítě, které si s radostí, dětskou otevřeností hraje a tvoří

třída Krokodýlků
Asistentka učitele
Hledáme do této třídy asistentku učitele s pedagogickým vzděláním nebo kurzem asistenta učitele.
7:00 - 8:15 Arrival and greeting of children, morning free games
8:30 - 9:45 morning program (community circle, Montessori, exercises, guided activities, group activities, English and speech therapy)
9:45 - 10:00 snack and hygiene
10:00 - 11:30 stay outside
11:30 - 12:00 Lunch and bedtime preparation
12:00 - 14:00 rest
14:00 - 14:30 snack
14:30 - 16:00 spontaneous games, afternoon clubs and picking up children
Pick-up after lunch: 11:45 – 12:15 hodin
Pick-up after bedtime: 14:30 – 16:00 hodin

School curriculum
It is available in the entrance area of the kindergarten.
School rules
Details on the exercise of the rights and obligations of children and their legal representatives and details of the rules of mutual relations with school staff
Operation and internal arrangements of the kindergarten
The rights and responsibilities of the school and the procedure for supporting children with special needs
Conditions for ensuring the safety and health of children and their protection from socially pathological phenomena and from acts of discrimination, hostility or violence
Conditions for the treatment of school property
Compulsory pre-school education
Internal regulations of the canteen and the canteen

Price list valid from 1 March 2023
Children older than 3 years
(reaching 3 years before 1.9.)
Monthly tuition fee
1-5 times a week